Quote of the Day

I love this quote.
Truth is we are constantly dying and renewing ourselves on a daily basis down to the cellular level.
If we are remotely aware we realize that, like a snake, we shed of ourselves at the end of each season of our life and there are many.
Then come the events in our lives that rip out our hearts, leaving us breathless and unable to function normally.
Those times we become paralyzed by fear only to become stagnant, and that toxic state invites rank and rot that threatens our very essence. Hopefully we can cut out that which is holding us back and making us ill. Breach the dam and leave behind that which no longer serves us.
Yes, each of us dies countless deaths in this life. Learning to embrace them is difficult, but allows the birth of renewal to exist in the realm of HOPE.
Ultimately, it is up to us to reside in a state of grace, in spite of the deaths of self we endure.
Keep seeking and never give up Hope. 🍀

Memoir Brainstorming

After doing a couple days of research I began brainstorming and free writing last night. It began to feel like vomiting word salad all over my yellow notepad. So much material. Could it be possible that it’s too much? I tell myself to reign it in and believe in the process. The act of writing will lead me where I need to go. This is literally just the beginning.

Take an Adventure with Me

Fall has crisply been in the air the last few days, and with an oyster sky on this fresh Sunday morning, the moment seems perfect to share what my heart, mind, and soul have been up to.

First, I must confess that I have fallen into old habits of the mind. I have found comfort in the rambling lies that only a foe like fear can spin. A heavy blanket of stagnancy that feels safe like the womb, as long as one doesn’t move.

Although I had tried to find my way out of the darkness on my own, it was a simple conversation that brought me back to my senses.
I am beyond grateful for that.

To be true, I am under no illusion that I am free and clear of my own deceptive mind, which leads me to what I’m about to say. While the delay in my writing is frustrating to me, I also think it was necessary. I have realized that I must start with a memoir before I can write anything else.

I have scene upon scenes of my life I must purge and my middle name ties them all together. It has always been my nature to help others; be of service, so to speak. I believe this memoir will fulfill part of that need.

In the spirit of self accountability, it is my goal to blog or vlog a minimum of twice a week, pertaining to my writing process and journey. I would be honored to have you come along with me, as I’m sure it will have some twists and turns of it’s own.
I am utterly terrified, yet excited at the same time.

Take this adventure with me, won’t you?

Always, Tracey Hope Mckibbin

Invisible Me (4) Intruders, Soldiers, and Hope  

Invisible Me (4) Intruders, Soldiers, and Hope  

Feeling a bit frustrated at the moment. On top of being in a long and chaotic flare with eruptions of different and some new symptoms throughout, I’m trying to go about life as “normally” as possible. Over the course of the last couple years I’ve become an avid researcher which, often times, can lead to serious frustration and sometimes feelings of hopelessness. I’m very well versed in Hashimoto’s Disease, Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia and Lupus SLE (which I’ve not been officially diagnosed with yet), but today I had looked into the CFS/ME (chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis) part of my diagnosis. It’s very interesting material, although complicated in many ways, including a general consensus for diagnostic markers that the Docs can agree on. I always find it disturbing when the medical community is in this kind of divisive quandary because, ultimately, it’s us…the patients, who suffer. As if autoimmune patients don’t deal with enough already, between getting a doctor to take us seriously, to the lengthy process of getting sound and proper diagnosis, and the employers, co-workers, friends and family who lack compassion, due to their ignorance, and the shameful craziness we try to keep at bay by remaining positive…or at least faking it… On top of all that, we are dealing with chronic, debilitating pain, among a slew of other horrible symptoms, while fearing what new and devastating symptom might pop up today; like the horror music leading up to the terrible surprise of a scary clown faced jack in the box! It’s beyond exhausting. 
The rabbit whole, that is “autoimmune disease”, leads us on a very complex and difficult journey, and there are many important decisions to be made along the way. During the most difficult times in the final couple years of my fire service career, seeing a therapist was crucial for me. I had to dive into myself and my psyche because I was so distraught by what was occurring to my body, my career and life, and I had zero control over any of it, which was very difficult for my type A, goal oriented, problem solving kind of personality. My therapist helped me acknowledge my feelings and decipher what was rational and what was not. There was a time I felt like giving up on pushing for some concrete answers and diagnosis, and he helped me to persevere. I don’t care how “strong” a support system you think you have, it’s wise to avail ourselves of as many resources as possible, and when there are emotions, feelings and fear involved, it’s good to have someone who is not emotionally invested, on such a personal level, as a sounding board and guide. There are also many wonderful forums through social media now that are made up of communities in broad terms, like Invisible Illness, or more specific, like Fibromyalgia. It’s so easy for us to feel alone, as these illnesses can be incredibly isolating. It’s important to realize that there are thousands upon thousands of people out there that are in a similar situation, many of whom are only in the beginning stages of their journey, and not even diagnosed yet. Reach out. Helping others has a profound way of soothing our own pain.

Pulling myself back in and onto the subject of research…I always kind of feel like I’m trying to unravel 15 or more sets of jumbled Christmas Lights, when I research. Terminology alone, has kept me busy. Thankfully, I’ve been in the body business my entire adult life. First in Fitness/Preventative, then Fire First Responder/Emergency, and that helps. I really do get tired of seeing; Cause Unknown and NO Known Cure, and no wonder it’s difficult to diagnose when so many of these diseases or syndromes have the same signs and symptoms. I will say that, for me, the “unknown cause” and “no known cure” statements are like holding up a big red cape to me. The fact that I’m 1/2 Irish, 1/2 Norwegian, and an Aries means I was born with horns. When someone tells me that something can’t be done or is impossible, I’ll be enjoying my victory dance, while their breath was wasted. As much as possible I try to live in the realm of possibility, rather than defeat. 

So…what have I learned lately? That my gut instinct is pretty darn good. Obviously, I’m not an MD so what I go into next will largely be my personal experience and journey.

 I’ve always felt that there is a viral connection with my immune issues. More specifically, Herpesviridae or the Herpes Virus. Even more specifically, to me, 3 of the 5 types of herpesviridae;

1. HS1-ORAL. Cold Sores on or around the mouth. 

2. Varicella Zoster-

a. Childhood/Chickenpox b.Adult/Shingles

3. EBV Epstien Barr Virus aka/Mononucleosis 

Once infected with any of these viruses, they remain in your body forever, and go into what’s called a latent phase. I’ll describe it like the virus is sleeping, and most of the time it’s never a big issue again, after the initial outbreak. However, for some of us unlucky souls, that’s the beginning of what will be many, many more related illnesses and outbreaks. 

While many people have had chickenpox, it will never again be an issue, unless it rears its head as Shingles, during adulthood.

If you’re like me and get cold sores or fever blisters, you may not even remember the first time you had one. Often it’s passed by an infected family member giving us a hug or kiss. They are very contagious so it’s important to be mindful of that, if you do get them. In my experience, cold sores are a sure sign that my body is severely stressed and under attack. If I have multiple cold sores or if they are accompanied by canker sores (inside mouth) or sores in my nose, you can be sure that I’m feeling terrible. For me, any of these are always accompanied by swollen glands. Nowadays it’s not uncommon for cold sores to show up when I’m having a flare.

Interestingly enough, most people have EBV and don’t even know it. They may not have even come down with Mono, aka, The Kissing Disease. There is a blood test which can confirm whether you have it or not, but most people will never even have a need to know.  If it reoccurs as Chronic EBV, it can be very serious, but I won’t go into that, as it’s irrelevant to what I’m talking about. EBV has been the center of attention for  theories concerning autoimmune disease, which brings me to the next piece of the puzzle.

Molecular Mimicry. This is an extremely complex subject and I’ve poured over countless case studies, hypothesis and theories. Again, I’m going to use my own words and my own experience. I highly recommend looking up the term as connected to autoimmune issues. In my mind, I kind of view this as a, “which came first, the chicken or the egg” situation, because the answers may be in past generations. Molecular Mimicry is only a piece of this puzzle, albeit, an important one, I think. 

So….here I have 3 herpes VIRUSES that remain in the body forever, after initial infection. Where do they live? Within our tissue, down to the molecular level. These buggers have learned how to blend so well that they resemble our healthy tissue. Now let’s say I did yard work and way overdid myself, skipped a meal, and didn’t sleep well that night. I have just laid a bunch of stress on my body in a bunch of different ways. The next day I go grocery shopping and am exposed to the common cold, which is also a virus. The next day I’m coughing and feeling fatigued, and now my immune system is sending in the troops to kill the cold virus I got. 

It’s important to know that any sickness you get, like this cold, reactivates all of those latent or sleeping viruses, that will then activate the production of antibodies by your immune system, which then attacks the virus. The problem is that because those viruses have mimicked your healthy cells so well, in order to hide; now our soldiers start destroying some of the healthy cells and tissue. What’s even more amazing is that our immune systems are so smart and efficient that they have a memory, and as this war continues, what the soldiers once recognized as what it was defending, it now sees as the intruder. Hashimoto’s Disease is a perfect example. At one point my antibodies were so off the charts my Doc was surprised I wasn’t in a coma. My immune system will continue to destroy the healthy tissue till my thyroid is completely unfunctional. I’ve been on synthroid, a hormone replacement, since age 25; 20 years, and like so many others, will take it the rest of my life. EBV is, by some, believed to be the culprit, as some say it resembles thyroid molecules, so that’s where it likes to hide. This is only a theory.

I really recommend learning about the soldiers that make up our immune system and how it functions. I do believe in the power of intentions and gratitude, and for a long time I was angry with my body for betraying me. Especially since I always took care of it. I started using language like, my faulty immune system, or like I said, body betrayal. The fact of the matter is that neither one of those things are true. In fact my B cells, T cells and NK (natural killer) cells are doing their job just fine. It’s the intruders that need to go, which brings me to my final thoughts, for today. I happened to stumble across an interesting article about phase two of a clinical study involving the use of an antiviral drug to treat herpesviridae as a course of treatment for Fibromyalgia. I haven’t read the entire thing yet but I will tell you that before seeing this article I had already planned on asking my doctor to do an extended antiviral treatment for me, at my next visit. Not sure if she’ll go for it, but it’s worth a try to ask. When I saw this article I just heard, ding, ding, ding, and it confirmed that I’m on the right path of problem solving. My flares are very cyclical and occur with any kind of stress trigger, ranging from; lack of sleep, or missing a meal, to emotional sress or something as simple as allergies. Time to kick these not so latent intruders to the curb! I would love to give my immune system a break from working so hard, but they’re always on duty and I do appreciate that. 

There is always hope. Never give up the good and worthy fight. We are stronger together. Keep on keepin on! Onward!

Rainy Days

Rainy Days

Rainy Days

Our thoughts are powerful, like seeds that grow, and can leave us paralyzed or call us to action. Just as our diet nourishes our body, so to do our thoughts nourish our mind and soul. I have kept a journal most of my life and have found that it’s a great way to monitor what’s going on in my head. It’s important because humans have a funny way of deceiving ourselves. Like the food we put into our body, we surely have a choice of what we think about, and it’s important to differentiate thoughts from feelings, as one does not equal the other. Thoughts are the things that will tell us if our feelings are rational or not. Of course it’s possible to have irrational thoughts but you don’t have to look far before you find a feeling attached to it. Awareness is a gift and a marvelous tool, when you get there, and like the tide, is in perpetual motion.

I hope your day is a good and thoughtful one. 📖✏

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Luck Is a Choice

Luck Is a Choice

Luck is a Choice

The extent of your luck is directly proportional to your level of gratitude.💚Why do I say that? Because it’s true. 

Gratitude has a way of making what is, enough and more.

A meal becomes a feast.

Being stuck in traffic becomes time to meditate, pray or ponder.

A handshake, the beginning of a friendship.

Tears become healing.

Breath becomes life….and on and on.

So it stands to reason that the moment one becomes grateful, they also become lucky. What is even better is that it is our choice to be grateful. We don’t have to wait for life to be perfect to be grateful. It’s our gratitude that makes for a perfect life.🍀Happy St. Patrick’s Day from this Crazy Celt to you!

#photography #writing #philosophy #life #courage #dreamlivedo #hope #inspiration #sunsets #autoimmunedisease #hashimotosdisease #fibromyalgia #chronicfatigue #lupus #endometriosis #healing #optimism #HappySt.Patrick’sDay #tularecounty #exeterca #kaweahoakspreserve #abc30insider

Broken is the Masterpiece 

Broken is the Masterpiece 

Art is to console those who are broken by life. -Vincent Van Gogh 

Me: Sometimes it’s the brokeness that IS the masterpiece. It’s all about perspective, for no one goes unscathed by life.💛

The Crazy Celt-#BrokenisBeautiful 




We are all voyagers within this flow of spacetime; all with a specific digit of sand grains to our name. Many will travel to distant places, far beyond the boundaries of home. Even more will stay within the confines of what is familiar and seemingly safe. How interesting to realize that whichever path is chosen, the real borders that should be explored, conquered, and expanded, are the ones within our own mind and heart. While many people may know me, there are very few who understand me, and even fewer who will mark the passport to enter my heart.

So, this Voyager may travel alone, but I am not lonely.

This Voyager may travel in darkness, but when faced and traveled through, I know light will always prevail….and this Voyager may see no land in sight, but conviction keeps a steady sail…and home is where my heart is, till the sand grains become the stars.

☄The Crazy Celt 



​What consumes your mind, controls your life. Let it be something beautiful and worthy. 💚

Have a good day.



​”Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis for man’s desire to understand.”

-Niel Armstrong

I can’t imagine living a life without wonder. 

I feel very sorry for the person who thinks they “know it all”…..What a boring and disappointing life that must be.

Have an amazing day. 💚