Dream and Inspire

Dream and Inspire

There is a place where fantasy becomes reality and dreams are the seeds of inspiration.
My eyes are cups floating on the salty seas and I fish for the non wavering truth.

My mind is heavy, yet free to fly, if only I could let go of the burdens that hide among the shadows.

Within my heart, an expanding universe beckons me to play among the jewels, so prettily scattered about.

My throat is tight; bound by a well thought out silence, and I breath out all that needs not to be heard.

My ears are exhausted from a world that never stops talking…oh how they long for the sound of the breeze, among the treetops.

My earthen body is a blaze today. Afflicted with an illness no one can see, but I’m still me.

Ah yes, there is a place where fantasy becomes reality and dreams are the seeds of inspiration.

Today I will breath and let go.

Today I will let go and fly.

Today I will fly and listen.

Today I will listen and be silent.

Forever, I will dream and inspire.

๐Ÿ’šThe Crazy Celt 

โ€‹Broken, a lesson in light and life…

I’m sure you get my running theme…I love light. What photographer doesnt?lol Be it by the sun, the moon, flame, or reflection. 
I’ve been doing photography for a long time, but in a serious manner for a couple years, and it has helped me grow in ways I could never have imagined. I won’t get into all of that now, however, will touch on broken light. Many people think they have to get a “perfect” shot…I disagree. It’s our very imperfections that make us interesting and the same goes for a good frame. I love clouds! I love obstruction! Look for things to get in the way….then take your angle.

Life does this to us so freely. “Broken”, is beautiful! There is much patience required in getting the “right” shot. There is also much patience required in being a broken human being, which we all are. With a 1/2 T of tolerance and a cup of love, for ourself; we will see, broken is beautiful! 

Keep on keepin on!๐Ÿ’šThe Crazy Celt 

Gypsy, Pearls, Honey & Trust

Gypsy, Pearls, Honey & Trust


Her perception of life was unique and a bit eccentric; an old soul, some would say. She had been through more than most people could ever handle, without giving up or going insane; but giving up was not in her nature, and as for sanity….well, she believed it was a relative term, and that it was a bit overrated. In any case, she relished in being different.

Her gypsy soul started with fresh eyes every single day. The same scenery always looked different to her, because in her mind, it was. Where she had once struggled with vitality, the World had become her oyster; gifting her frequently with lavish pearls, and life had become sweeter than honey, dripping from its comb. This wasn’t because she got everything she had ever wanted, dreamt, or hoped for….no, that wasn’t it at all. It was because she had learned to trust the process of her life.

Here’s to trusting the process.
๐Ÿ’šThe Crazy Celt



Within her eyes lived an expanding universe of potential, and within her heart, a sea of emotions. Her stories lay dormant, simply waiting for her to revive them. Yet, she wondered if  people were ready to hear?
She had learned long ago that to do onto others as they’ve done to her, would not improve the World. She had to do better than that….it would be no small undertaking, but living in truth can be dirty and dangerous.


๐Ÿ’šThe Crazy Celt

Reflections 1

Reflections 1

“Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.”
-James Dean
I completely resonate with this quote. It’s how I strive to live my life, every day. In spite of the tragedies, disappointment and loss we encounter in our lives; how we choose to deal with it, is on no one but us. Even in what appears to be our darkest moments, there is always the light of hope, and in that hope, there is possibility. Sometimes disappointment and loss leads us to where we are truly meant to be…so, while its important to feel the pain, we must not become it.
Here’s to getting through it.
Forever๐Ÿ’šThe Crazy Celt


This is an image of the light of a full moon, glistening on the ripples of Lake Kaweah. Nikon D5500

Living Awake

Living Awake

You cannot live your dreams whilst you sleep.
So many can write, speak or share memorable quotes, but the true power comes from living in a way which reflects the profundity behind it.
Sleepwalking through life is not my idea of living. Walking with eyes wide open to the joy, the pain, the abundance and loss, we all endure; and choosing to make a humble difference, however small or grand, is.


Onward! Have a beautiful day.
๐Ÿ’šThe Crazy Celt

Rolling Thunder

Rolling Thunder

Within my silence there is a deep rolling thunder, and with every breath the rocks of my dam fall away. As I let go of my thoughts, the gates open, and the merky floods the spillway.
The storm has left a war torn shell behind, but like the, still standing, ruins of old ages, all things will be renewed.
Life will endure, life will prevail and no matter what, life will go on.
๐Ÿ’šThe Crazy Celt


Free Ride

Free Ride

Living on this Earth may be tough and seem complicated at times, but it includes a free ride around the sun every year.
It’s the things we take for granted that we should be most grateful for.
Have a great day, full of gratitude!
๐Ÿ’š The Crazy Celt


Lessons From Nature

Lessons From Nature

The importance of adapting to change, personal growth and self transformation. All these things equal life.
We cannot become who we want to be by remaing what we are.
Trusting the process and letting go of the past bring joy to the journey.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. ๐Ÿ’›


Light 9

Light 9

Today I want to say a prayer of sorts. Maybe it’s more of a personal promise to my own soul.
Today I pray that I will forever remain humble and see divinity in all things. Today I pray that I will forever have a heart that is full of love, gratitude, hope, courage, compassion and forgiveness. I pray all these things for humanity, however, I realize the first step begins with me. One can never expect more from others than one is willing to do themself.
Wishing everyone a day full of grace.
