I Had a Hope

I Had a Hope

A birthday message to my daughter. 

Love is powerfully moving, and like the break of dawn, when the sun is just cresting the horizon; it is so beautifully brilliant, and produces such a palpable energy that, when focused on, can lift the most sullen of spirits. 

This was how I felt when I gave birth to my first daughter. If she was a boy, the name would have been Jacob, and when she was delivered the umbilical cord was between her legs….they finally said, “It’s a girl!”.

I, after 36 hours of grueling, natural labor yelled, “We had a Hope! We had a Hope!”

Nothing has changed in 25 years of her existence. There is still an all consuming love, there is energy, and inspiration. Hope, may you continue to radiate your beautiful brilliance and receive it back in ten fold during this 25th year of life. 

All my love, Mom

Gypsy, Pearls, Honey & Trust

Gypsy, Pearls, Honey & Trust


Her perception of life was unique and a bit eccentric; an old soul, some would say. She had been through more than most people could ever handle, without giving up or going insane; but giving up was not in her nature, and as for sanity….well, she believed it was a relative term, and that it was a bit overrated. In any case, she relished in being different.

Her gypsy soul started with fresh eyes every single day. The same scenery always looked different to her, because in her mind, it was. Where she had once struggled with vitality, the World had become her oyster; gifting her frequently with lavish pearls, and life had become sweeter than honey, dripping from its comb. This wasn’t because she got everything she had ever wanted, dreamt, or hoped for….no, that wasn’t it at all. It was because she had learned to trust the process of her life.

Here’s to trusting the process.
💚The Crazy Celt



Within her eyes lived an expanding universe of potential, and within her heart, a sea of emotions. Her stories lay dormant, simply waiting for her to revive them. Yet, she wondered if  people were ready to hear?
She had learned long ago that to do onto others as they’ve done to her, would not improve the World. She had to do better than that….it would be no small undertaking, but living in truth can be dirty and dangerous.


💚The Crazy Celt

Strawberry or Honey Moon

Strawberry or Honey Moon

The orange colored moon as it was rising last night. Perfect Strawberry or Honey Full Moon for the month of June which happened to fall on Summer Solstice this year.

Source: Strawberry or Honey Moon

Necessary Fire

Necessary Fire

Lingering smoke, from a control burn in the park, add mysterious  layers to this beautiful Three Rivers Sunrise.
Goliath, is a control burn the park lit off, specifically for the process of the Giant Sequoias regeneration. It takes the temperatures produced by fire to coax the cones from Sequoias open, so they may seed the forest floor.


Have a great day!
💚 The Crazy Celt



Smoke from Goliath, a prescribed burn in Sequoia Kings National Park, creates a beautiful silhouette as the sun rises over her majesty.


Finally had a free morning to take some “me” time and was able to do some shooting this morning. This is a quick shot from my Galaxy S6, and have a ton to go through on my Nikon.
Have a great day!
💚The Crazy Celt

Reflections 1

Reflections 1

“Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.”
-James Dean
I completely resonate with this quote. It’s how I strive to live my life, every day. In spite of the tragedies, disappointment and loss we encounter in our lives; how we choose to deal with it, is on no one but us. Even in what appears to be our darkest moments, there is always the light of hope, and in that hope, there is possibility. Sometimes disappointment and loss leads us to where we are truly meant to be…so, while its important to feel the pain, we must not become it.
Here’s to getting through it.
Forever💚The Crazy Celt


This is an image of the light of a full moon, glistening on the ripples of Lake Kaweah. Nikon D5500

Sunrise Over Lake Kaweah

Sunrise Over Lake Kaweah

Looking East over Lake Kaweah. It was a beautiful Sunday morning.


Have a great day.
💚The Crazy Celt

Bristlecone Pine

Bristlecone Pine

I can’t wait to visit this old friend again, hopefully this month. This visit is tentatively planned for the full moon.
Bristlecone Pines are the oldest on Earth, and have been determined to be 1000’s of years old. They are known for growing in the harshest of environments, and live in rocky, high altitudes.
This Bristlecone stands, majestically,  as a guidepost along the old, Northern route trail on Sawtooth, just above the “treeline”.
In a place where little to no life exists, they are a magical sight.


Have an adventurous weekend.
💚The Crazy Celt



Sometimes beautiful beginnings are disguised as confusing endings.
When we outgrow people, places and things, life has a way of removing them from our life. Much of our issues can arise from being too rigid in our expectations or unopen to change.
Life is in constant flow and if we allow ourselves to be caught in a place that is stagnant, it can only harm us.
Here’s to flow…Have a great day!


💚The Crazy Celt